
I'm a PhD student at AIVC Lab, UCLA Department of Mathematics, advised by Prof. Chenfanfu Jiang. I received my M.S. degree from the Department of Computer Science, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and my B.S. degree from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University (China).

My current research focuses on 3D generation and reconstruction, with a particular emphasis on utilizing physics-based simulation: On one hand, simulation serves as a tool to introduce dynamics into 3D scenes reconstructed from real-world data; On the other hand, I am exploring the integration of physics as a regularization within generation and reconstruction pipelines.


Atlas3D: Physically Constrained Self-Supporting Text-to-3D for Simulation and Fabrication

Yunuo Chen*, Tianyi Xie*, Zeshun Zong*, Xuan Li, Feng Gao, Yin Yang, Ying Nian Wu, and Chenfanfu Jiang.

Arxiv. 2024.

[Paper] [Project Page]

A Dynamic Duo of Finite Elements and Material Points

Xuan Li, Minchen Li, Xuchen Han, Huamin Wang, Yin Yang, and Chenfanfu Jiang.


[Paper] [Video]

VR-GS: A Physical Dynamics-Aware Interactive Gaussian Splatting System in Virtual Reality

Ying Jiang*, Chang Yu*, Tianyi Xie*, Xuan Li*, Yutao Feng, Huamin Wang, Minchen Li, Henry Lau, Feng Gao, Yin Yang, and Chenfanfu Jiang.

*Equal contributions.


[Paper] [Project Page]

PhysGaussian: Physics-Integrated 3D Gaussians for Generative Dynamics

Highlight (11.9%)

Tianyi Xie*, Zeshun Zong*, Yuxing Qiu*, Xuan Li*, Yutao Feng, Yin Yang, and Chenfanfu Jiang.

*Equal contributions.

Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2024.

[Paper] [Project Page]

Bistable Aerial Transformer (BAT): A Quadrotor Fixed-Wing Hybrid that Morphs Dynamically via Passive Soft Mechanism

Jessica Weakly*, Xuan Li*, Tejas Agarwal, Minchen Li, Spencer Folk, Chenfanfu Jiang, and Cynthia Sung.

*Equal contributions.

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (JMR). 2024.

[Paper] [Video]

Subspace-Preconditioned GPU Projective Dynamics with Contact for Cloth Simulation

Xuan Li, Yu Fang, Lei Lan, Huamin Wang, Yin Yang, Minchen Li, and Chenfanfu Jiang.

SIGGRAPH Asia. 2023.

[Paper] [Video]

Neural Stress Fields for Reduced-order Elastoplasticity and Fracture

Zeshun Zong, Xuan Li, Minchen Li, Maurizio M. Chiaramonte, Wojciech Matusik, Eitan Grinspun, Kevin Carlberg, Chenfanfu Jiang, and Peter Yichen Chen.

SIGGRAPH Asia. 2023.

[Paper] [Video]

Augmented Incremental Potential Contact for Sticky Interactions

Yu Fang*, Minchen Li*, Yadi Cao, Xuan Li, Joshuah Wolper, Yin Yang, and Chenfanfu Jiang.

*Equal contributions.

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). 2023.

[Paper] [Video]

Topology Optimization with Frictional Self-Contact

Zeshun Zong*, Xuan Li*, Jianping Ye, Sian Wen, Yin Yang, Danny M. Kaufman, Minchen Li, and Chenfanfu Jiang.

*Equal contributions.

Arxiv. 2022.


Polycube Shape Space

Hui Zhao, Xuan Li, Na Lei, Xiaoling Wang, Shaodong Wang, Wencheng Wang, and Xiangfeng Gu.

Pacific Graphics (PG). 2019.

[Paper] [Slides]

Conformal Mesh Parameterization using Discrete Calabi Flow

Hui Zhao, Xuan Li, Huabin Ge, Na Lei, Min Zhang, Xiaoling Wang, and Xianfeng Gu.

Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP). 2018.

[Paper] [Slides] [Data]

Robust Edge-Preserved Surface Mesh Polycube Deformation

Hui Zhao, Na Lei, Xuan Li, Peng Zeng, Ke Xu, and Xianfeng Gu.

Pacific Graphics (PG) Short Paper. 2017.



Differentiable Rasterizer for Vector Font Generation and Editing

Zhaowen Wang, Zhifei Zhang, Xuan Li, Matthew Fisher, and Hailin Jin.

US11392806B2. Adobe Inc. 2022.


MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab

Research Intern

Jun, 2022 - Sep, 2022

Creative Intelligence Lab, Adobe Research

Deep Learning Research Intern

May, 2019 - Nov, 2019
