Traditional Autoencoders (AE)

The traditional autoencoder (AE) framework consists of three layers, one for inputs, one for latent variables, and one for outputs. The clear definition of this framework first appeared in [Baldi1989NNP].

The transformations between layers are defined explicitly:

$$h = f _\theta(x) = s_f(b+Wx)$$ $$r = g _\theta(h) = s _g(d+W’h)$$

where $h$ is the latent variable, $r$ is reconstucted data from the latent space, which belongs to the same space with the input $x$, $f _\theta$ is called the encoder, and $g _\theta$ is called the decoder, and $s _f$ and $s _g$ are two non-linear activation function.

The training procedure is done by minimizing the reconstruction error using back-propagation:

$$L _{AE}(\theta) = \sum _{t} L(x^{t}, g _\theta(f _\theta(x^{t})))$$

where $\mathbf{X} = {x^{1}, x^{2}, …, x^{n}}$ is the training dataset.

This framework was initially proposed to achieve dimensionality reduction. [Baldi1989NNP] use linear autoencoder, that is, autoencoder without non-linearity, to compare with PCA, a well-known dimensionality reduction method.

With the same purpose, [HinSal2006DR] proposed a deep autoencoder architecture, where the encoder and the decoder are multi-layer deep networks.

Due to non-convexity of deep networks, they are easy to converge to poor local optima with random initialized weights. To solve this problem, [HinSal2006DR] used restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) to pre-train the model layer by layer before fine-tuning. This training technique can force each layer learn higher level representation of its previous layer, so as to get good initial weights for the original model. Since the training of traditional AEs are more straight-forward than RBMs and it has exact same form as a RBM, [Bengio2007SLA] used traditional AEs to pre-train each layer and got similar results.

Sparse Encoders: Bottleneck v.s. Over-completeness

Only training on the construction error encourages the model simply learns an identity, then the output of the encoder may be a bad represetntation of the input. The traditional AE uses bottleneck structure, that is, $d _h < d _x$ to prevent identities, which also means the bottleneck is necessary.

Inspired by sparse coding [Foldiak1998SCP] in human’s brain, the sparse representation was introduced. This kind of representations use over-complete latent space, that is, $d _h > d _x$ [OLSHAUSEN19973311]. Under this direction, some modifications of the traditional autoencoder was proposed to learn sparse representations [Ranzato2006ELS; Ranzato2007SFL]. Extra regularizations for sparsity was added in the object function, and we now call them sparse autoencoders (SAEs). One of common used regularization term was studied in [Ng2011SAE]:

$$L _{SAE} (\theta) = L _{AE} (\theta) + \lambda \sum _{t} \sum _{j=1} ^{d _h} KL(\rho || h _j(x _t))$$

where $\rho$ is the sparsity parameter, which is nearly zero, $h _j(x _t)$ is the $j-th$ hidden unit’s output at $x _t$ and $KL(\rho||h _j) = \rho \log\frac{\rho}{h _j} + (1-\rho)\log\frac{1-\rho}{1-h _j}$ is the KL divergence between a Bernoulli random variable with mean $\rho$ and a Bernoulli random variable with mean $h _j$. This kind of penalty will encourage outputs of the hidden layer to be $\rho$. Expriments showed that sparse representations indeed learn useful and meaningful features, and SAEs are used in a lot of classification tasks [Xu2016SSAE; Tao2015SSAE], and are also used in feature tranfer learning [Deng2013SAE].

Robust Representations

[Vincent2010SDA] defined that a good represntation is one that can be obtained robustly from a corrupted input and that will be useful for recovering the corresponding clean input. They proposed denoising autoencoder (DAE)[Vincent2010SDA; Vincent2008ECR], which used a very different strategy of adding regularizations on inputs. The model is trained to reconstruct a "repaired" input from a corrupted version. The training is based on the corrupted inputs:

$$L _{DAE}(\theta) = \sum _t \mathbb{E} _{q(\tilde{x}| x^{t})}\left[L(x^t,g _\theta(f _\theta(\tilde{x})))\right]$$

where $q(\tilde{x}|x^t)$ is the corruption process.

The process of denoising can be given an geometric interpretation under the manifold asumption that natural high dimensional data concentrates close to a non-linear low-dimensional manifold. The DAE can be seen as a way to learn low-dimensional structure of data.

Same as deep autoencoders, by stacking a lot of DAEs, we can build deep networks, where each layer is pre-trained by DAEs. Such kind of architecture is called stacked denoising autoencoders (SDAEs).

Due to the denosing effect, the DAE/SDAE is suitable for noisy datasets. It is used in speech recognitions [Feng2014SFD; Feng2014SFD], and it is also used to denoise data: [Zhao2015MR] used DAEs to remove musics from speeches, [Gondara2016MID] used DAEs in medical image denoising and [Chaitanya2017IRM] used DAEs to achieve super-resolutions.

The definition of robustness could vary. [Rifai2011CAE] achieved robust representations by minimizing the first order variation and proposed contractive autoencoders (CAEs). The object function is defined as:

$$L _{CAE}(\theta) = L _{AE}(\theta) + \lambda\sum _t ||J(x^t)|| _F^2$$

where $J(x^t) = \frac{\partial f _\theta}{\partial x}(x _t)$.

The authors introduced the concept of contraction ratio, which is the ratio of the distances between two points in their original (input) space and their distance once mapped in the feature space. The panelty of the Jacobian tends to contract data, while the panelty of construction error makes sure that there are directions resisting the contraction effect. This can be seen that the model learns a low-dimensional structure of input data. The contraction ratios on the directions along the manifold will be near 1, and the contraction ratios on the directions othogonal to the manifold will be near 0.

Their experiments showed that the learned representations performed as good as DAEs on classification problems and showed that their contraction properties are similar.

Followed by this work, [Rifai2011HOC] proposed the higher-order CAE which adds an additional penalty on all higher derivatives:

$$L(\theta) = \sum _t L(x^t, g _\theta(f _\theta(x^t))) + \lambda||J(x^t)|| _F^2 + \gamma E _\epsilon\left[||J(x) - J(x+\epsilon)|| _F^2\right]$$

where $\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2I)$.

Gnerative Model

Sampling around valid latent representations

From autoencoder, we can get a high-level representation of the original dataset. Given a valid latent representation (an encoding of an arbitrary real data point), we can sample around in the latent space and then decode these samples to get new data.

[Vincent2010SDA] did some first atempts. They used Bernoulli sampling to AEs and DAEs to transfer them into generative models.

However, the DAE has randomness as a part of itself - the corruption process. So we can sample based on this randomness. [Bengio2013GDA] used Gibbs sampling to alternatively sample between the input space and the latent space, and transfered DAEs into generative models. $$\begin{split}X _t \sim P _\theta(X|\tilde{X} _{t-1})\cr \tilde{X} _t \sim q(\tilde{X}|X _t) \end{split}$$ They also proved that the distribution of ${X _t}$ is consistent with the distribution of the dataset.

[Rifai2012GPS] proposed a generative model by sampling from CADs. They used the information of the Jacobian to sample around the latent space. Given a valid latent representation $h$, the pertubation around $h$ is aquired by: $$\Delta h = J(x _t) \epsilon = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x _t)\epsilon, \ \ \ \ \ \ \epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2I)$$ This can be interpreted as to move around on the manifold of dataset.

Sampling directly in the latent space

This direction is to decide the latent space first, and then make all latent points be able to decoded into meaningful new data.

The Variational autoencoder (VAE) [Kingma2013AutoEncodingVB] use probability perspective to interprete autoencoders.

Assumes the prior of the latent variable $z$ is from some parametric family of distributions $p _\theta(z)$. The observed data is generated from the posterior distribution $p _\theta(x|z)$. The true posterior of $z$ is $p _\theta(z|x)$, but is intractable. To get $p _\theta(z|x)$, we use another parametric family $q _\phi(z|x)$, which is tractable, to approximate it.

By variational inference, the following equality holds: $$\log p _\theta(x) = D _{KL}(q _\phi(z|x)||p _\theta(z|x)) + L(\theta, \phi; x)$$ where $$L(\theta, \phi; x) = -D _{KL}(q _\phi(z|x)||p _\theta(z)) + \mathbb{E} _{q _\phi(z|x)}\left[\log p _\theta(x|z)\right]$$

So the approximation can be done by maximize $L(\theta, \phi; x)$.

In the framework of autoencoder, given $x$, $\phi$ is generated by the encoder, and the decoder is defined by another network.

In VAE, we assume $z\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$, and $q _\phi(z|x)$ is also a normal distribution. The encoder will generate the mean $\mu _x$ and the standard derivation $\sigma _x$ of this distribution. And we use Monte-Carlo sampling to approximate $\mathbb{E} _{q _\phi(z|x)}\left[\log p _\theta(x|z)\right]$. Under this modeling, $L(\theta, \phi; x)$ has explicit expression and can be maximized by gradient descent.

After the training converge, $D _{KL}(q _\phi(z|x)||p _\theta(z))$ will be minimized, so we can expect that each latent vector corresponds to some meaningful data in the input space. We can sample directly in the latent space by $z\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$ and use the decoder to generate new data.

Followed by the big success of GANs, [Goodfellow2016AAE] proposed adversarial autoencoders (AAEs), which use GANs to minimize the discrepancy between an arbitrary porior $p _\theta(z)$ and $q _\phi(z) = \int _x q _\phi(z|x)p _d(x)dx$ where $p _d(x)$ is the distribution of dataset. The assumptions are similar with the VAE’s, but the training procedures are different. There are two phases: reconstruction phase and regularization phase. In the reconstruction phase, the encoder is updated to minimize $\mathbb{E} _{q _\phi(z|x)}\left[\log p _\theta(x|z)\right]$. In the regularization phase, the discriminator is updated to discriminate $p _\theta(z)$ and $q _\phi(z)$.


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